Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Khusus Untuk Pemimpin Bisnis!"

Menang Persaingan dengan Efisiensi Kinerja

Apakah perusahaan anda sudah efektif dan efisien? Apakah seluruh aset bisnis Anda sudah digunakan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan secara maksimal? Kondisi persaingan pasar yang saat ini terjadi membuat banyak pelaku bisnis yang risau. Terlebih lagi dengan diberlakukannya perdagangan bebas ACFTA. Banyak perusahaan yang mengalami penurunan daya saing karena membengkaknya biaya produksi yang sering disebabkan adanya ketidakefisienan kinerja. Pemanfaatan alat-alat produksi yang belum maksimal, kemampuan pengelolaan keuangan yang lemah, kinerja tim yang kurang mandiri dan harus menunggu perintah dari atasan merupakan beberapa sumber ketidakefisienan. Untuk memiliki bisnis yang efisien dibutuhkan sistem dan tim yang efisien pula. Solusinya adalah dengan sistem kontrol managemen dan pengukuran kinerja yang tepat. Ditambah dengan keahlian dari pimpinan untuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan data hasil pengukuran

Sudahkah Anda memiliki sistem yang efektif serta tim yang efisien dan bekerja secara mandiri? ActionCOACH sebagai sebuah firma pelatihan bisnis nomor 1 di dunia dengan sistem pengembangan bisnis yang sudah terbukti efektif diterapkan di 28 negara memberikan solusi bagi Anda para pemilik usaha dan eksekutif yang ingin memiliki bisnis dengan kinerja sistem dan tim yang maksimal. ActionCOACH mengadakan seminar sehari ”9 Keys to Efectif Business that Work Without You”. Anda akan mempelajari cara membangun sistem yang efektif , pengontrolan kinerja yang tepat, keahlian untuk mengambil keputusan berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dan keuangan. Dibawakan oleh Coach Han ”Tiger” Budiyono yang sudah berpengalaman melatih lebih dari 100 perusahaan di Indonesia, Bagi 25 pendaftar pertama tersedia VCD Interview Keith J Cunningham with ActionCOACH senilai Rp 250.000. Hubungi sekarang juga Tempat Terbatas!

Graha SA Lt. 8 Jln. Raya Gubeng 19-21, Surabaya
telp: 031-5023322
or candra (081803173900)
e-mail :

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Keith J. Cunninghams Asia Pacific 4-day MBA 2010 Program


How much money have you lost because you invested or made business decisions based on your instincts and emotions instead of knowing the facts?

Keith Cunningham’s Total Business Course will debut in 2007. This is an intensive, action-oriented program with Keith Cunningham and 100 leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world. You will learn the critical skills needed to successfully launch, grow and ignite your business.

Anyone can start a company. Making it grow in a competitive economy requires SKILLS and EXPERTISE. Every large business in the world today started out as a small business. In fact, the average Fortune 500 Company began with an initial investment of less than $25,000. Heinz started with horseradish and a horse drawn buggy. Hershey started with caramel. Sony started with rice cookers. Marriott started with a root beer stand. Proctor and Gamble started with selling candles door to door. They all started small!

The real reason they are among the largest businesses in the world today has nothing to do with the “idea” or the product the founder created and everything to do with the skills they had to grow it. Success in business has nothing to do with the idea, the product or the service being sold and everything to do with the skills necessary to EXECUTE!

Sadly, most businesses fail before their fifth birthday, and the reason has little to do with the idea. You can name any product or service, from Newspapers to Nylons, from Beer to Basketballs, from Chewing Gum to Cheeseburgers and we can find at least one person who has made a million dollars and at least a hundred people who have gone broke.

Most people don’t have someone who has “been there, done that” to ask their questions and teach them the skills, tools and distinctions used by the pros.


This program is for you if you need to learn:

* Specifically, how to grow a successful business
* How to double your sales within one year.
* What is REALLY keeping your business from being much bigger than it is today and what to do about it.
* How to create a sustainable competitive advantage…it’s not what you think it is.
* How to differentiate yourself from your competition and create a niche.
* How to create and execute a solid strategy and the three reasons most strategies fail.
* How to maximize your Profits and Growth.
* What makes a high potential growth business.
* The critical difference between Value Creation and Value Add and why you MUST have both.
* How to create and sustain your Value Proposition.
* How to turn customers into addicts.
* Marketing and growth strategies used by every multi-billion dollar business in
the world.
* 18 World-class growth tactics that can help you double your revenues.
* 28 World-class sales concepts you can use to grow your revenues.
* The sales techniques used by the world’s greatest sales people…the 11 things that you must include in your sales presentation to close the deal.
* Discover the critical drivers of your business and what you must measure to sustain your business.

What YOU don’t know is what costs you MONEY.

If you’re investing to make money, you’re relying on either your emotions or your intellect. In four days, I will teach you to read, understand and USE the financial statements to make informed, intelligent, strategic business and investment decisions! The numbers tell a story – learn what they’re saying so you can make more solid financial decisions.

Do you feel totally out of your league when you hear these terms:

Assets, Accruals, Capitalization, Debt and Equity Financing, Financial Ratios, Key Performance Indicators?

How you will benefit…

* Master how to read and use the numbers to avoid financial peril.
* Learn how to spot the four critical ratios that will make or break a deal.
* Identify the danger signals and warning signs that can cripple or destroy
your business.
* Understand how to anticipate and manage financial crisis in your business.
* Learn to spot profit drains immediately
* Learn which reports to request from your bookkeeper/accountant.
* Learn to budget and utilize profit-planning tools, financial forecasting and break-even analysis.
* Make more informed decisions, impact the bottom line and save money.
* Take control of your Financial Future.

“Coming from a Fortune 5 Company, I was astonished at how much in – depth financial knowledge Keith not only understands but teaches in a manner that is very easy to apply.” – Jim Ehretsman, Chicago, Illinois

At the conclusion of Day 4, you will be given the actual financial statements from a disguised Fortune 100 company. In just 30 minutes, you will be able to analyze the numbers and decide if you do or don’t want to own the stock…And you’ll be right!

Financial Literacy is for you if:

* You are ready to stop guessing about your investment strategy.
* You want to learn how to make factual vs. emotional decisions in starting, running or expanding a business.
* You need to learn the best tools and report formats to use for easy
financial monitoring.
* You want to learn one year of accounting.
* You need to know how to remotely manage your business.
* You need to analyze the numbers for acquisitions.
* You are ready to take control of your financial future.

What are the other benefits of attending the 4-Day MBA?
As the participant of Keith Cunningham’s 4 Day MBA in Bali you will also recive the following:
1.The 60-pages template that Keith Cunningham uses to grow all his business
2.The 103 great questions you must ask yourself if you really want to grow exponentially.
Cunningham calls this set of questions his “Growth Questions.”
3.And, the best part is , The CFO SCOREBOARD SOFTWARE, Wich Cunningham created
years ago to simplify his financial decision making process. What this magic software does is
basically take the entire math away and do the calculations for you. What will be left for you is
the clarity to make the perfect decision.
4.This software alone will justify your investment to this program. Executives and owners have
been playing Cunningham $ 4,000 to get the software, and you get it include with this course.
The software will be installed exclusively for you. It is highly protected and cannot be
duplicated to guarantee your data’s security.
5.Last but not least, you will bring home with you Keith Cunningham’s log of lessons learned. It
is the collection of expensive mistakes Cunningham has made through his business career.
After studying this log you can avoid doing the same mistakes, but still learn the lesson well

This something i would move heaven and earth to do becouse you are not going to be able to get Keith to sit down and give you this kind of coaching for less than $ 40.000 a day. ” - Anthony Robbins

“ I thank Keith J. Cunningham for his business & financial wisdom.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki

“This is it! The formula... the recipe of business success!” - Jack Canfield

“Filled with practical, proven, straighforward strategies you can use immediately to get the money and succeed in business!” - Brian Tracy

“Keith Cunningham is a Master of Simplicity… this 4 Day MBA is a MUST attend!” - Han “Tiger” Budiyono, ActionCOACH

8 - 11 April 2010
Hard Rock Hotel, Kuta, BALI

For futher information : Candra (081.803173900)
or e-mail : /

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ActionCOACH Surabaya

ActionCOACH adalah sebuah perusahaan konsultasi dan pelatihan bisnis yang didirikan pada tahun 1993 oleh seorang penulis dan pengusaha, Brad Sugars, di Queensland, Australia. Selama 15 tahun tumbuh dan berkembang bersama para pemilik bisnis dari seluruh bidang industri dengan hasil nyata seperti perbaikan kinerja bisnis, peningkatan penjualan & keuntungan, serta terbebas dari perang harga. Kini ActionCOACH telah berkembang pesat dan menjadi sebuah bisnis franchise global. Dengan lebih dari 1.000 kantor cabang di 28 negara di Australia, Asia, Eropa, Amerika dan Afrika Selatan, nama ActionCOACH telah menjadi identik dengan keberhasilan bisnis.

Berbeda dengan perusahaan konsultasi kebanyakan, ActionCOACH didesain untuk memberi bantuan baik jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek kepada para pemilik bisnis melalui program mentoring, pelatihan, workshop dan seminar.
ActionCOACH Surabaya (PT. Surabaya Excellence Action) mulai berdiri sejak Juli 2007. Para Coaches, pelatih bisnis kami, memiliki pengalaman luas dan dalam di bidang bisnis, mereka juga adalah pemilik bisnis yang telah menginvestasikan waktu, uang dan energi mereka agar dapat sukses di berbagai bidang bisnis yang mereka tekuni.



Dunia yang bergelimpahan melalui pendidikan bisnis


1. ActionCOACH adalah sebuah tim dengan anggota yang memiliki tingkat komitmen tinggi, berpikiran positif dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk sukses, seimbang, terintegrasi dan jujur. Kami bekerja berdasarkan 14 Points of Culture dan selalu berusaha agar semua orang yang bekerja bersama ActionCOACH akan selalu mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal dan memudahkan mereka dalam memenuhi tujuan hidup yang ingin mereka capai.

2. Kami selalu bekerja dalam semangat bersaing secara sehat bersama dengan para pesaing kami. Tujuan kami dalam berbisnis adalah “Edutainment”, dimana kami akan mengedukasi diri kami, klien, dan semua pihak yang bekerja sama dengan kami dan pada saat yang sama kami menciptakan sebuah lingkungan yang menyenangkan bagi kita semua untuk dapat berkembang dengan maksimal. Kami mengedukasi klien kami dengan teknik-teknik marketing dan pengembangan bisnis kelas dunia yang dibantu dengan fasilitas audio, video, CD, buku, workshop dan seminar.

3. Produk dan servis yang kami berikan selalu dalam standar kualitas nilai yang tinggi dan menggunakan metode yang paling mutahir dan efektif.

4. Kami memiliki klien yang beragam dari bisnis bersekala kecil, menengah, hingga bisnis dengan skala besar atau korporasi yang memiliki keinginan untuk belajar dan berkembang, dan mau untuk bekerja sebagai anggota sebuah tim.

5. Dalam memilih klien, kami lebih memprioritaskan cara berpikir dan bertindak klien kami dari pada skala bisnis mereka. Klien kami merasa membutuhkan kami karena kami memahami apa yang mereka butuhkan yang berkaitan dengan individu dalam menjalankan sistem yang diterapkan dalam perusahaan. Kami selalu memberikan solusi yang paling praktis dan mudah diterapkan, strategi pertumbuhan yang dapat tercapai dengan cepat, dan yang terpenting adalah kami selalu bersungguh-sungguh terhadap semua hal yang kami ucapkan.
